Tips to get high band scores in IELTS

Tips to get high band scores in IELTS

Tips to get High Band Scores in IELTS

IELTS tests the candidate’s English proficiency in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking skills. The LSRW skills provide an opportunity for the student to assimilate and reproduce Spoken Language for efficacious interpersonal communication. So International English Language Testing System makes sure that a candidate is adept enough to get a good band score in all these four skills.

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Before taking the IELTS course, your main task is to hone your basic English skills. Let us say you have understood the format and structure of the IELTS. But generally, if you are incompetent in English, you cannot expect your desired result.

Here are some tips to improve your English that no one will ever share with you. If you follow every single point, it is a guarantee that you can pass IELTS with flying colors with desired IELTS band score.


  • Read the Editorial Page of The Hindu Newspaper

IELTS Writing has two tasks. IELTS Writing Task 2 requires you to write an essay asking you to state your opinions on a particular statement. Some topics to expect questions in Task 2 are Education, Environment, Government, Media, Advertising, Society, Crime & Punishment, Communication & Personality, Tourism, Space Exploration, Sports, etc.

The Editorial Page consists of detailed discussions on the above-said topics daily. Written by the masters who have the subject knowledge and the language skills, the Editorial page is a useful pool of resources for Reading and Writing Tests. By doing this, you can gain ideas for your essay, you can learn new words that will boost your Lexical Resource which is very important for your IELTS score band, and your reading skills will also fasten.

writing task
ielts writing task

Why do you think old uncles with spectacles hanging on their nose tips leisurely sitting on an armchair can debate on any said worldly topic? Because the first thing they do after brushing their teeth is take up the newspaper and skim it from front to back. So it is time to channel your inner old uncle!

  • Watch Hollywood movies

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It may sound like a bizarre idea, but to replenish your listening skills, watching English movies is the best bet. Here, I want to share with the readers a small story. There was this introverted teenager who was studying at a substandard high school. He was passionate about the English language, but he hadn’t the proper guidance. Even the syllabus was subpar. Six years later now, he is a Spoken English Trainer at a Best IELTS Institute in Trichy. He is none other than the guy who’s writing the blog (flex flex!) and the institute is our Trichyplus! What happened in those 6 years was, I watched tonnes of movies that helped me with my English.

Since the IELTS Listening Test has conversations and monologues voiced by Native Speakers, the constant exposure to their slang will improve your listening skills by leaps and bounds.

  • Practice speaking in front of the mirror

Do you want some IELTS tips for speaking? Let me tell you something. We, in our state, do not have the cushion to regularly communicate in English with our acquaintances. So how can we practice for our IELTS Speaking test at home? Just stand in front of your mirror and start talking in English. It may sound crazy but ask any desi candidates who scored well in the Speaking Test they will explain the unceasing efforts they undertook to attain the gift of the gab.

Five books that will help you for IELTS 

Here’s a simple activity for you to brush up on your pre-existent vocabulary skills:

In no more than a minute (time yourself), find whether the given words have the same, different, or merely different meanings.











Each question carries 10 points, so calculate the score out of 100 and leave it in the comments!

Preparing for IELTS can be a daunting task if you do not have the suitable material to support you. IELTS is a test that scrutinizes your Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking skills. Many think it is a piece of cake and go lackadaisical in preparation. To understand the strain required to practice, I suggest you take a full mock test before beginning your course. You will know where you stand and get a glimpse of the difficulty level.

But IELTS is also not the demon under your bed, and with the apt resource, you can ace the test. In this blog, I will share some useful book recommendations that will help you get a higher band score.

  1. Word Power Made Easy – Norman Lewis

“This is not a reading book… Don’t read this book! Instead, work with it. Write in it, talk aloud to it, talk back to it – use your pen and pencil, your voice, not just your eyes and mind.”

Those are the opening lines of the book that aptly set the theme for what you can expect in the next 600+ pages of a sheer masterclass on Vocabulary. As the famous quote goes, ‘A man with a scant vocabulary will almost certainly be a weak thinker.’ The more the number of words you learn, your thinking skills will widen. If you want to indulge in meaningful conversations, you must have the necessary word power with you. And this book will help you sharpen your skills. For your IELTS, this will ultimately help you as for both your Writing and Speaking Test 25% of your score depends on your Lexical Resource.

  1. High School Wren and Martin English Grammar and Composition

Ahh! The Nostalgia! Wren & Martin are the household names of almost every high schooler. I can’t suggest another best book for Grammar as this one hardcover will be sufficient. A vintage classic!

  1. 100 World’s Greatest Love Letters – Collectible Edition

‘More than kisses, letters mingle souls.’

John Donne

You may wonder why I am suggesting this book in this particular list! Well, you do have a letter-writing task as your question if you are an IELTS candidate who chose a General Module. Nonetheless, to make you cherish the beauty of letters and appreciate the task, this book will take you on a magical journey. As John Keating said, “Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women”

  1. Cambridge IELTS Books

Cambridge provides separate books for the Academic and General module with solutions. It is considered to be a standard and authentic source for preparation. 16 editions are released to date. If you book the test, one such book will be delivered to your home free of cost.

  1. Trichyplus Study Material 

Trichyplus provides you with the Best Study Material for IELTS. In addition to 2 mock tests, the book contains 4 tests each in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Audio tracks are also included. Other than that, the book has various sample essays, practice worksheets, and relevant details about each of the four tests.

What are you waiting for? Enroll in the Best Coaching Center in Tamilnadu for IELTS and galvanize your preparation.

If you have read any of these books before, do leave them in the comments, and also if you want to suggest some more, we are happy to read them.

So these are some unconventional IELTS tips that no one will ever encourage you to do but will definitely improve your progress in English as well as your IELTS preparation. After practising the above said tips you can select IELTS exam Date and write your test. IELTS test dates will be on every month so you don’t need to worry. Trichyplus is an authorised centre so you can book your preferred test dates here at our place. IELTS booking date will be confirmed once you register.

Join the best IELTS coaching at Trichyplus to know more about such awe-inducing tricks and tips! We also provide you Online IELTS test practise if you opt for our Online IELTS training!

Read this blog to know all about IELTS

ALL ABOUT IELTS (updated, 2022)

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