7 Tips on How to Prepare for BANK Exams
(BANK Exams Preparation Strategies)
Banking Exam is one of the preferable exams by the most of the government job seeking candidates. Bank jobs offering not only high packages but also a secure and comfortable tenure. Every year IBPS conducts the common written examination to recruit candidates for various posts. On the other hand, SBI and Reserve Bank of India selection board conduct examinations for the various posts on a regular basis. Many Private sector banks also conduct exams based on the IBPS score.
BANK EXAM Preparation Tips:
STEPS | Topics |
Step 1 | Early start the preparation |
Step 2 | Proper knowledge about Exam Syllabus & pattern |
Step 3 | Understand the concepts |
Step 4 | Make a timetable for self-study |
Step 5 | Complete the syllabus topic-wise |
Step 6 | Practice more by solving bank exam questions |
Step 7 | Revision |
Tips for Bank Exams Preparation
Here are some important tips on how to prepare for bank exams at home:
Step 1 : Early start the preparation
Starting the BANK Exam preparation early will help you to plan your studies and a good material, which one needs to have to clear BANK Exams. It means, half of the battle is won because it will ensure that you will get enough time to manage college studies and BANK Exams preparation.
One of our students Ms.Rajeswari has started her Bank Exams Preparation from 2nd year while most of the BANKING Aspirants start on final year. She started her classroom coaching. She studied daily 2 hours apart from her college work by using TRICHY PLUS Materials and class notes. She has done Bank Exam Coaching for 2 years. Her early start of GATE preparation gave her good knowledge and she cleared IBPS PO Exam both prelims and mains. Now she is an Assistant manager in DSB (LVB now changed as DSB)
Step 2 : Proper knowledge about Exam Syllabus and pattern:
Know the bank exams syllabus and the bank exam pattern. This is because every bank exam consists of many things like bank exam syllabus, preparation time, sectional cutoffs, etc. Candidates must be aware of the different topics from the syllabus. The bank exam paper may have questions from any particular section or topic of the syllabus. Hence, candidates should be well prepared to attempt a variety of bank exam questions. The key to clear bank exams is to practice, practice and practise.
BANK Exam Pattern
Before taking preparation of various banking exams, the candidates are advised to get an idea about different banking exam patterns and syllabus first. Exams are mainly conducted in three phases – Preliminary, Mains and Interview. The Preliminary and Mains exams are basically computer based tests containing multiple choice type questions. The Interview phase is not applicable for clerical posts.
BANK EXAM Syllabus
Banking exams mainly consist of questions from the following topics such as
- Numerical Ability / Quantitative Aptitude
- General English
- Reasoning Ability
- Computer Knowledge
- General Awareness
Step 3 : Understand the concepts by joining best bank exam coaching centres :
The main thing to clear bank exams is to understand the concepts to solve the problems. In Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning you have many topics. Understand all the topics to make easier to solve the problems. In this point, bank exam coaching centres plays a vital role.
TRICHY PLUS is the No.1 Bank exam coaching centre. It has received the award of “BEST COACHING CENTRE IN TAMILNADU” for 2 consecutive years from TAMILNADU WELFARE COUNCIL. Trichy plus providing classroom coaching, online coaching to make the candidates understand the concepts and how to solve problems.
Step 4 : Make a timetable for self-study :
After get familiar with the Exam Syllabus and Pattern, it’s time to prepare a thorough study plan. By preparing a study plan, you will be able to equally give your time to an allotted chapter or topic while squeezing in time for mock tests, sample paper practice and also some rest.
The following points can be remembered while preparing the study plan
- Step 1 : Set targets, on daily – weekly and monthly basis
- Step 2 : Remember to evenly divide topics into difficult, moderate and easy sections
- Step 3: Schedule your topics in a way that it doesn’t look too repetitive
- Step 4: Give more importance to the topics which have the highest weightage and possibilities of being asked in the exam
- Step 5 : Make sure you solve enough mock tests and sample papers and also keep a track of all your score checking your graph
- Step 6 : Break time and its duration should be slotted in a way that you remain fresh even during long study hours
Avoid the following :
- Do not overcrowd a single slot with too many tough or difficult topics, either way round, take only a couple at a time
- Do not forget to arrange revision time after finishing every single chapter
- Do not follow anyone else’s schedule. Make your own study plan as it shall fit best to your taste and help you in a better way
Step 5 : Complete the syllabus topic-wise:
Candidates who are willing to prepare for bank exams, the best ways to learn is join bank exam coaching centres for getting clear concepts and guidance by the experts. Use the competitive bank exam books and make the best use of the classes and tests.
Besides, candidates need to update themselves regularly, because most of the questions are asked from the general knowledge part only. Reading daily newspapers can also prove helpful for enhancing the verbal skills of candidates and also help cover the general awareness section simultaneously.
Candidates should try and make use of time to understand the concepts by daily practice of concepts reading in bank exam books and bank study materials and practice more from mock papers and prior years’ bank exam question papers for better preparation.
Step 6 : Practice more by solving bank exam questions:
After completing the bank exam syllabus, candidates need to practice more and refer to online resources as these are more useful and provide updated content. Besides, candidates should track their time and accuracy while solving practice problems. It is for the candidates to judge how much time they are devoting for each question and not get wedded to a particular question and maintain a close check on the proper time duration for each question.
Step 7 : Revision:
The most important part of the preparation for BANK Exam 2022, is to do revision on often basis. One should be not under any impression that once the whole syllabus would be complete; revision will be done. It’s completely wrong, one should do revision after studying any topics or concepts or subjects, so as not to forget what was learned. The revision will aid in the understanding of the topics or concepts and make you more knowledgeable. During revision, it is also advisable to make notes which you can refer later at time of examination. Also, solve previous years papers and check with solutions to avoid small mistakes. Doing this, contributes majorly in your preparation.

Making short notes of the bank exam syllabus can prove beneficial for candidates during last-minute revision. It is important to note that revision is the only thing that is needed to crack a bank exam when candidates are done with the complete bank exam syllabus.
If a candidate is not good at any particular topic, then, he/she needs to find out where the problem lies and start working on the topic. The short notes are more important at the time of examination, and it becomes easier to revise in the last minute.
Finally, candidates who are willing to take the bank exams 2022 must have the habit of reading the newspaper, magazines about politics, Indian economy, etc. to have a good knowledge of Current Affairs and day-to-day happenings.
The important thing to be followed in BANK Exam, RRB Exam and SSC Exam preparation is consistency. Only consistent preparation will give the best result in Competitive Exams. Inspite-of many challenges, prepare daily for 4 hours in the last 4 months duration of Exams. Follow the achievers strategy and schedule to succeed in the BANK Exams
To apply for the IBPS Exams (PO/Clerical) : Click here
To get to know BANK EXAM Coaching Details : Click here
Bank Exam Preparation (9 points to know) : click here
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Trichy Plus
It’s very informative.