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Welcome to LIFE Workshop
Don’t miss the Grandest Event in town
WARNING These 2 days will TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE forever….. You are entering At your Own Risk.
Those who are comfortable with their current LIFE – *DON’T COME
👉 Are you looking forward to an extraordinary & outstanding LIFE?
👉 Are you looking to transform forever?
👉 Do you believe that God has designed you as a unique person?
👉 Do you believe that you deserve the very very best?
Then this workshop will catapult you to the greatest of heights and transform you forever.
This high voltage workshop will blow your mind and embed the universe into you.
What is this workshop about? In this workshop will work on:
1. Your beliefs
2. Your values
3. Your state and
4. Your decision-making ability
You will attain:
1. Financial Mastery
2. Relationship Mastery
3. Physical Mastery
About the trainers:
Shiv & Savy are entrepreneurs, authors, passionate trainers and philanthropists. Their programs have empowered the lives of over a million people across 5 states.
Their daughter is a teenage sensation and popularly known as author Sagarikka. She had penned the book ‘My Unskooled Year’ at the age of 15 based on her experiences which is a best-seller, selling over 6000 copies.
Shiv & Savy are going to bring out a book FAMILY FIRST which will enable families to have LIFE & RELATIONSHIP MASTERY.
Do you have the courage to plunge in?
WARNING: These 2 days will TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE forever. You are entering at you own risk.
Those who are comfortable with their current LIFE – DON’T COME
Fees: Just Rs 3990/- (Fees includes lunch, materials & Fire walking)
Age limit: 13 years and above
Tickets available at Trichy Plus office