EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Notification is out – 2859 Vacancies

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Notification is out –  2859 Vacancies

EPFO SSA Notification 2023 has been released. Total 2859 Social Security Assistants and Stenographer vacancies have announced. The online application form for EPFO recruitment 2023 has been started on 27th March 2023.


1EPFO SSA 2023 Notification
2EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment – Important Dates
3EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment Vacancies
4EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment Online Application
5EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment Application Fees
6EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment Eligibility Criteria
7EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment Selection Process
8EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment Exam Pattern
9EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment Salary
10EPFO SSA 2023 Recruitment Cut Off

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023

EPFO SSA Notification 2023 Out: Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has announced a golden opportunity for unemployed graduates and 12th pass to fulfil their dream of joining the prestigious Government Sector (EPFO) in India. EPFO SSA Notification 2023 has been released for filling 2859 Social Security Assistants (SSA) and Stenographers vacancies. As per EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Notification, interested and eligible candidates can now apply online for EPFO SSA & Stenographer vacancies as the registration has been started from 27th March 2023 onwards. The details regarding eligibility criteria, selection process, exam pattern, syllabus, and other important information are detailed in the article.

EPFO SSA Notification 2023

EPFO SSA Notification 2023 has been released announcing 2859 Social Security Assistants (SSA) and Stenographers vacancies. Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has released a detailed EPFO SSA 2023 Notification pdf on its official website https://www.epfindia.gov.in/ and https://recruitment.nta.nic.in/ on 24th March 2023. Click the link below to read out the EPFO SSA notification 2023 which has been released.

EPFO SSA Notification 2023 Download PDF– Click to Download

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023- Overview

Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has initiated the EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 drive for 2674 Social Security Assistants (SSA) and 185 Stenographer posts. The shortlisted candidates will be placed across the country. The complete details for EPFO SSA Recruitment drive will be shared at https://www.epfindia.gov.in/.

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023- Overview

Exam Conducting AuthorityNational Testing Agency (NTA)
OrganisationEmployees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO)
Post NameSocial Security Assistants (SSA) and Stenographers
Application ModeOnline
Online Registration27th March to 26th April 2023
Job LocationAcross India
LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Selection ProcessComputer Based Examination (Phase-I)

Computer Typing Test (Phase-II) (Computer Data

Entry Test)

SalarySSA- Rs.29, 200-92,300 (Level 5)

Steno- Rs.25,500-81,100 (Level 4)

Official websitehttps://www.epfindia.gov.in/



EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023- Important Dates

The important dates for EPFO SSA 2023 Exam has been released with detailed EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 notification. EPFO SSA 2023 Online Registration is to be commenced from 27th March to 26th April 2023. Let’s have a look at the important dates for EPFO SSA 2023 Exam.

EPFO SSA 2023 Notification24th March 2023
EPFO SSA Apply Online 2023 Starts27th March 2023
End Date To Apply for EPFO SSA 202326th April 2023
EPFO SSA Exam Date 2023To be notified

 EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Vacancy

EPFO has announced 2859 vacancies for Social Security Assistants (SSA) and Stenographer posts to be filled through EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023. The post-wise EPFO SSA Vacancy 2023 distribution is as follows.

EPFO SSA Vacancy 2023

Social Security Assistants (SSA)3592735145299992674
Total Vacancies38728755454810732859


EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Apply Online

The EPFO SSA Apply Online 2023 has been started from 27th March 2023 onwards at the official website https://www.epfindia.gov.in/ and NTA https://recruitment.nta.nic.in/. 12th pass and graduate candidates can apply online for EPFO Stenographer and SSA Exam till 26th April 2023. The direct link to apply for EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 has been shared here as the links has been made active at the official website.

Click for EPFO Apply Online 2023 for SSA & Steno [Active]

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Application Fees

The application fees for SC/ST/PwBD/Female Candidates/Ex. Servicemen has been exempted while the application fee for all other categories is Rs.700. The EPFO SSA application fee shall be paid through online mode of payment.

EPFO SSA 2023 Application Fees

CategoryApplication Fees
SC/ST/PwBD/Female Candidates/Ex. ServicemenExempted
All other categoriesRs.700/-

Steps to Apply for EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023

Here are the following steps to apply for EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023-

  1. Click the following link, you will be redirected to the official website of EPFO at https://www.epfindia.gov.in/.
  2. Go to “Careers” and click on “Apply Online for Recruitment to the post-EPFO SSA 2023”- “Click Here for Registration”.
  3. Enter the details like name, contact details, and email address and click on submit.
  4. A provisional registration ID and Password will be sent to your email address.
  5. The candidate has to log in with a Registration ID and Password and enter the complete details like Name, father’s name, Address, Date of birth, etc;
  6. Candidates are required to attach all the required documents like SSC mark sheets, category certificates for reserved candidates, PwD certificates for PwD candidates.
  7. Attach the photographs and signature (not more than the 3-month-old photo is allowed).
  8. Candidates have to verify all the details before clicking on “Final Submit”
  9. No changes are entertained once the candidate clicks on the “Final Submit button”.
  10. Validate your details by clicking on “Validate your Details”.
  11. Modify the details if required and click on “Final Submit”.
  12. You will be redirected to the payment page, and pay the required amount to complete the registration process.

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply for EPFO SSA 2023 Exam, it is necessary for the candidates to possess the required eligibility criteria in terms of educational qualification and age limit.

EPFO Education Qualification

Post NameEducational Qualification
Social Security AssistantThe candidates should hold a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University

Essential- Typing Speed of 35 wpm in English or

30 wpm in Hindi on Computer


StenographerThe candidates should be 12th passed from a recognized Board

The candidates must have Skill Test Norms.


EPFO Age Limit (as on 26/04/2023)        

Between 18 to 27 years as on the closing date for online registration of application i.e. 26th April 2023.

Age Relaxation:-
 SC/ST                    up to 5 years,
 OBC-NCL             up to 3 years
 The upper age limit for Government Servant or Employees of Employees Provident Fund

Organization up to forty years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the
Central Government. As per the instructions issued by Govt. of India in the prescribed
format in support of claim (Annexure VIII).

General                 Up to 40 years of age
SC/ST                   Up to 45 years of age
OBC- NCL            Up to 43 years of age


Category Relaxation in upper age limit
Ex-SM+ General                           3 years
Ex-SM+OBC-NCL                       6 years(3years+3 years)
Ex-SM+SC/ST                             8 years(3years+5 years)

NOTE: An ex- serviceman shall be allowed to deduct the period of actual military service from his actual
age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post for which he is
seeking appointment by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age

Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD)

Category Relaxation in upper age limit
PwBD + General                       10 years
PwBD+ OBC -NCL                   13 years
PwBD+ SC/ST                           15 years

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Selection Process

The selection of the candidates through EPFO SSA & Steno Recruitment 2023 will be done through three stages. The candidates have to qualify in each stage to get shortlisted for EPFO SSA & Stenographer vacancies.

Stage- I: Computer-Based Examination (Phase-I)

Stage II: Computer Typing Test (Phase-II) (Skill Test)

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Exam Pattern

Go through the updated EPFO SSA & Stenographer Exam pattern as mentioned in EPFO SSA Notification 2023.


epfo ssa recruitment 2023

EPFO SSA Exam Pattern

The EPFO SSA 2023 Exam will be conducted in two stages- Computer Based Test and Computer Typing Test. The duration of the CBT is 150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes).

  • EPFO SSA Prelims Exam will be objective type.
  • Each question carries 4 marks.
  • There shall be a negative marking of one-fourth marks for each incorrect answer.
EPFO SSA Exam Pattern 2023
S.No.Name of the TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1.General Aptitude301202 hours 30 minutes

(150 minutes)


2.General Knowledge/ General Awareness30120
3.Quantitative Ability30120
4.General English with *Comprehension50200
5.Computer Literacy1040

EPFO Steno Exam Pattern

  • The question paper will be of Objective Type Multiple Choice only.
  • The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except part-III i.e. English Language and Comprehension
  • There shall be a negative marking of one-fourth marks for each incorrect answer.
  • Each correct answer carries 4 marks.
EPFO Steno Exam Pattern 2023
S.No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1.General Aptitude502002 Hours 10 minutes

(130 minutes)

2.General Awareness [includes Computer Awareness]50200
3.English Language and Comprehension100400

EPFO SSA Skill Test

  • Candidates will be required to appear for the Skill Test to assess speed and accuracy for Data Entry Work.
  • A typing speed of 35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi on computer
  • 35 words per minute and 30 words per minute correspond to 10500 Key Depression Per Hour (KDPH) / 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word for Data Entry Work.

EPFO Steno Skill Test

Dictation: 10 minutes at the rate of 80 words per minute. (Dictation will be computer based)

Transcription: 50 minutes (English) / 65 minutes (Hindi). (Only on computer)

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Salary

The salary for the candidates shortlisted for Social Security Assistant (SSA) and Stenographer posts has been mentioned in the EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 notification. The initial salary for EPFO SSA is Rs. 29,200 (level 5) and for Stenographer is Rs.25, 500 (level 4).

Social Security Assistant (SSA)Level-5  (Rs. 29,200 to Rs. 92, 300 in the Pay Matrix)
StenographerLevel-4 (Rs. 25,500 to Rs. 81,100 in the Pay Matrix)

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Cut Off

EPFO will be releasing EPFO SSA Cut off 2023 along with EPFO SSA Result 2023. The cut-off will be released category-wise for each region separately. Till then check the EPFO SSA Final Cut Off 2019 for reference.

EPFO SSA Prelims Cut Off 2019
RegionsSC                  STOBCEWSUR
Andhra Pradesh81.258285.50
Himachal Pradesh37.2562.5037.505072.25
Kerala & Lakshadweep6572.2583
Madhya Pradesh65.7543.7546.7570.50
North East Region55.506558.2574
Punjab & Chandigarh86.25
Uttar Pradesh55.7566.2570.2581.25

EPFO SSA Prelims Cut Off 2019

S.No.Name of TestMinimum MarksMinimum Qualifying marks


Minimum Qualifying marks

for UR/EWS


1English Language3010.5012
2Reasoning Ability3512.2514
3Numerical Aptitude3512.2514

For Coaching Contact : TRICHY PLUS at 7667369058

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