7 Secrets to Crack TANCET (Everything you need to know about the exam)


7 Secrets to Crack TANCET

‘Festina Lente’ is a Latin translation of a classical adage/oxymoron that means “Make Haste Slowly.” It does not make sense, right? Well, I’ll give you another explanation that best suits the phrase. ‘Proceed Xpeditiously but Prudently.’ Still, scratching your head? Some pictorial idea would help you, I guess. Look at the picture below, one with the Dolphin and the Anchor. The dolphin exhibits the meaning behind the word ‘Haste,’ and the anchor signifies the meaning behind the word ‘Slowly.’ 


By Arminiuzz – Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7353046

There is a whole Historic fable behind this bemusing proverbial expression. The Roman Emperor Augustus advised his soldiers to ‘hasten slowly’ in the war as recklessness would give the enemy an advantage. He also thought that rashness and mindless attacking was dangerous for any officer and taught that diligence is the key. One has to think twice before proceeding with a decision, but at the same time, the thinking process should not slow down the action.

The reason why I am pinpointing this is because the phrase ‘Festina Lente’ resonates with the preparation strategy one has to administer when it comes to cracking an entrance exam.

With tancet exams 2022 coming soon, the candidates have to keep in mind what Emperor Augustus told the commanders,

“That which has been done well has been done quickly enough.”

In this blog, you will discover the secrets one must know beforehand while preparing for the upcoming TANCET exam.

Also, we will provide you with trivia related to the exam, the preparation strategy, the dates to remember for the exam, tancet syllabus 2022, tancet colleges for mba, and many more interesting details for the candidate to delve into. So before taking a dive, I want y’all to read the lines written by French Poet and Critique Nicolas Boileau. It will provide you with the right dose of motivation.

“Slowly make haste, and without losing courage;

Twenty times redo your work;

Polish and re-polish endlessly,

And sometimes add, but often take away”

Before revealing the secrets to crack the exam, let us first know the ABC’s of TANCET



Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) 2022 registration process is expected to begin from the fourth week of January (2022). Anna University, the public state university of Tamil Nadu conducts this entrance test. More than 200 colleges, both private and government, in the state validate the need to clear TANCET. An approximate figure of 15,000 seats is up for grabs for the students clearing the test. The test is conducted once a year in the offline mode with the application process online. The duration of the exam is 2 hours. It is a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) based test containing 100 questions. The link for registration will open on their website. The Exam fee for the unreserved category is INR 600 while it is INR 300 for the reserved candidates. Aspirants who want to pursue courses like MBA, MCA, MTech, MArch, ME, MPlan on top colleges of Tamil Nadu gear yourself up as the next few months will be really important for you.



Also, we at Trichyplus offer you state-of-the-art training for the TANCET exam at a very reasonable course fee. The blog also contains the success stories of our institutes and throws some light on the teaching acumen of our faculties.

So, get ready to be revitalized with loads of motivation as you read more information about the entrance exam.

7 Secrets to Crack TANCET Exam


Time Management is key to Success

  • “It is not enough to be busy… The question is what are we busy about?” said Henry David Thoreau. A Transcendentalist, Naturalist, Poet, and Philosopher, Thoreau’s doctrine on time management would be a lifesaver to all the aspirants for competitive exams. In this quote, the man who advocated the philosophy of ‘simple living’ talks about hustle culture. Today’s digital age breeds an illusion around toxic productivity and pushes people to be on their wheels 24/7. Thoreau asks us a simple question, ‘What makes you busy?’ If you find the answer to this, you can be relieved from a lot of disquietude. You have to set a time frame and work on your tasks accordingly.


So, the first and foremost thing you must do before preparing for any entrance exam is to know the important dates of the exam. That means you must know the date of announcement of the exam, the actual date of the exam, the result date, and the call letter deliverance date. Only if you have an actual date in your hand, you will be able to schedule your preparation strategy.

Here are some points you need to know about TANCET 2022 exam and some to its important dates to note down:

 TANCET Exam 2022

Tancet exam 2021 concluded last year with the seat allotment released on the 14th of October as the Tancet counseling began on the 22nd of August. But 2021 is done and dusted. So now let’s look at some important dates for Tancet exam 2022. Mark your calendars and schedule your works accordingly.

Fourth week of JanuaryTancet registration for 2022
2nd week of FebruaryClosing of Admission Process
After closing of AdmissionOpening of Login Window

(to check admission status, to verify your details and to confirm your application)

First week of MarchTANCET hall ticket 2022 (tancet admit card)
3rd week of MarchTancet exam date 2022 for MBA and MCA
2nd week of April 2022Tancet 2022 results
3rd week of AprilMarksheet for tancet (candidates must download the mark sheet within the specified date.)

 Tancet 2022 counseling date is yet to be declared. It will take place at the Government College of Technology, Coimbatore.



 Don’t Make Silly Mistakes

  • Yes, to err is human and no one is said to be 100% perfect. Making mistakes and learning from them is a part of human life. We are not talking about it now. But absent-mindedness and irresponsibility will cause you serious troubles. When you are doing a task, you need to give your best. Your commitment levels and intent talk heaps about your personality. High concentration skill is the X factor weapon in your arsenal when you attempt for your tancet exam. As the Motivational Speaker and an American Entrepreneur, Jim Rohn puts it, “The best advice I ever came across on the subject of Concentration is: Wherever you are, be there.”

Read the official notification thoroughly and apply for the exam carefully. The application process will be online so make sure that you enter all the required details without mistakes. It is believed that every year 1000s of forms get rejected because of inaccuracies in applying. Your journey shouldn’t end even before it gets started.


Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. – Albert Einstein


Here are some points you need to read about the application procedure and eligibility criteria for the tancet exam 2022:

TANCET 2022 Eligibility Criteria

 To be eligible for tancet, a candidate must have ticked certain boxes when it comes to academics. Each course asks separate criteria so make sure that you go through the criteria thoroughly and check if you are eligible for your desired course.

TANCET 2022 MBA Eligibility Criteria

A Bachelor’s degree in any stream from any recognized university with a minimum of 50 percent aggregate (a reduced percent of 45 is enough for the unreserved candidates) is the basic eligibility criteria for tancet 2022.

 Eligibility Criteria Checklist

RequirementsCheck box (C – Check)
SSLC (10th)C
HSC (12th)C
3/4/5 year Under Graduate Program

50% aggregate

Or 3 year Diploma ProgramC
Or B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Arch. / B.PharmC
Or qualification in Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (AMIE)C



Candidates who are appearing in the final semester examination in 2022 can also apply for tancet admission



  1. Don’t give erroneous details of your personal information

 While you are answering the questions given in the tancet application form, make sure that you don’t commit any spelling mistakes. Because each information you enter is important. If it is filled with mistakes then your admission process will get hampered. For example, let us consider a candidate’s name as Ragul who’s applying for tancet mba 2022. In the box where he has to fill in his name, instead of Ragul if he types in as Rahul with an H, he will surely face problems in the cross-checking stage. Don’t be like Rahul. Sorry, Ragul. Enter the data that is registered in your Identity proof. Be it the spelling of your name or your residential address, make sure that it matches your data in Identity proof (Aadhar card, PAN card, Driving License, Passport). So give your utmost attention when filling your tancet application form. Avoid careless mistakes at all costs. Because a single error can cause your application form to get rejected and you need to wait for another whole year to attempt your exam.

  1. Select your test city wisely

 There are 15 cities available from which you can pick your desired exam center location. If a test center is located in your hometown then it is well and good. But if you have to travel to a different city then make sure that you pick a place near to your city. In such cases, it is preferred that you go and stay in the city on the day before the exam. Don’t hustle and travel long distances on the date of the exam. It mounts unnecessary anxieties as you will be faced with exam pressure.

  1. Have all the Documents beforehand

 Every entrance exam asks a certain set of documents to be submitted as a part of the identification process. Make sure that you have it up-to-date with correct information about your spelling of your name and your residential address.

Documents required for tancet 2022 (Excruciating details you shouldn’t skip)

Following are the documents that must be kept ready while you are applying for the tancet exam 2022.

  • Valid Email Id and password
  • Scanned image of your recent Photograph. If you send your old picture that doesn’t match your face, there are chances your application might be dismissed.
  • Community Certificate if you are from BC, BCM, MBC & DNC, ST, SC, and SCA category (Permanent card / electronic form/digitally signed e-Certificate)
  • Credit/Debit Card or Internet Banking details
  1. Upload the correct file sizes

 It may sound like a tedious task but you need to scan and crop the files to be uploaded in the asked format. Read the intricacies of upload file size asked. Either go to a nearby browsing centre to ask for help or if you are well-versed in editing you can do it by yourself. It’s not rocket science. Below are some websites to help you with the editing:

Specifications for uploading Photograph

  • The accepted format to upload your photograph is .jpg/.jpeg and the required size of the file should be between 20KB and 30 KB.
  • Candidates should upload a colored photograph taken recently.
  • The face of the photo should be visible without blotches.



Know Your Syllabus

  • “Know your enemy and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster,” said Sun Tzu, a legendary Chinese general, military strategist, and a Philosopher. So you must know what you are fighting for. Never be in the dark when it comes to preparing for any entrance exams. Know the syllabus by-heart. Don’t be in the dark when it comes to exam pattern and syllabus. Also, don’t read new topics till the eleventh hour of the exam. Complete the portions two months or three months before the official exam and revise the entire portions from scratch again. Only then, it’ll be easy to brush up your memory at the time of last-minute preparations. Solve practice questions or quizzes for every individual topic. That way you won’t be able to forget the concepts.

Don’t worry as you’ll learn about the tancet 2022 exam pattern and detailed discussion on the syllabus below.

TANCET Exam 2022 Pattern


  • The duration of the test is 2 hours.
  • Only the application process is online. The test takes place offline at various test centers in 15 different cities.
  • The syllabus will be different for different courses. We’ll discuss it in-depth in this blog.
  • The total marks of the test are 100 as each section contains 20 marks.
  • There is also negative marking. For each incorrect answer, 1/3 marks will be deducted.
  • The candidate can write the exam in either English or Tamil medium.


Tancet syllabus for mba: (Excruciating details you shouldn’t skip)

SectionsDescriptionImportant Topics
Quantitative Aptitude (Problem Solving)To evaluate the candidate’s skill on solving mathematical problems of graduate level including those learnt in HSC or equivalent level.Number System, HCF LCM, Percentages, Ratios, Averages, Simple & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, Time Speed & Distance, Time & Work, Mixtures & Allegations, Quadratic Equations, Linear Equations, Logarithms, Series and Progressions, Binomial Theorem, Surds & Indices, Functions, Inequalities, Modulus, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, Permutation & Combination, Probability, Set Theory


Data SufficiencyTo test on determining data sufficiency for answering certain questions using data given using the knowledge of Mathematics and day-to-day stats.Number Systems, Arithmetic Topics, and Algebra. Questions based on Data Interpretation like Pie charts, Line Graphs, Bar Graphs, and Tables.


Analysis of Business SituationTo determine the candidate’s ability to critically pick out data and supply the data to business decisions from given creative/typical business situationsSyllogisms and Puzzles, Decision Making, Blood Relations, Binary Logic, Coding-Decoding, Linear and Circular Arrangements, Sequence & Series. You will be given questions in paragraphs related to business situations.


Reading ComprehensionTo evaluate the skill of the candidate in answering questions based on the passages in the comprehensionBusiness










Verbal AbilityTo test the writing skills on English with questions on errors in using Grammar, punctuation and the likeSynonyms, Antonyms, Fill in the blanks, Grammar, Vocabulary, Sentence Corrections, Idioms, Cloze Test, One Word Substitution, Spotting Errors.




 Study About Your College


  • Let me tell you a jaw-dropping statistic you never heard off. The staggering number will definitely make you think about the reality we live in. 99 out of 100 students never learn in-depth about the college they join in. They just apply with the facts and myths according to hearsay. They never read the brochure of the university, or check their official website, or go through the alumni list, and heck some don’t even visit the college until admission. Don’t be such a nutcase. Know your destination. In this case, the colleges you want to get placed into. Analyse the colleges that accept TANCET and read about its pros and cons. Go through their websites and study about the colleges. Read their prospectus and have a good idea of which college you aim for. It’ll help you in the counseling.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”  Benjamin Franklin

Here’s a small list of some notable colleges that accept TANCET for mba admissions. We’ve also included some notable alumnus of those colleges.

Tancet colleges for MBA

Some famous Tancet accepting colleges in Tamil Nadu are,

PSG College of Engineering – Coimbatore

Pros: Scenic Infrastructure, Guest Lecturers, Tie-ups with foreign universities, decent lab facilities, great placement opportunities, well-equipped accommodation for students.

Notable Alumni: Shiv Nadar (Indian Industrialist and Philanthropist), Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai (Project Director of Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2. ME Applied Electronics)

College of Engineering – Guindy

Pros: Excellent infrastructure spread across 223 acres, Industrial exposure and NGO visits, wifi huts and computer centers, fewer fees.

Notable Alumni: Krishnamachari Srikkanth (swashbuckling Indian Cricketer, Team member of the 1983 World Cup Winning Team), Akkineni Nagarjuna (Indian Actor), Verghese Kurien (Father of the White Revolution), Crazy Mohan (Playwright, Actor, Comedian, Screenplay Writer)



Practice Makes a Man Perfect



  • “Take your jacket off. Hang it up. Put it back on. Take it off. Hang it up. Put it down. Put in back on. Take your jacket off. Hang it up.” Do these lines take you to a walk down the memory lane? The image of the stern faced Mr. Han giving workout commands to the boisterous Dre Parker. Yes, the scene in the famous movie The Karate Kid acted by Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith is still a fan-favourite all over the world. If you analyse the scene closely, it conveys a hidden meaning behind the specific workout regimen. It metaphorically conveys that practice makes a man perfect. You have to do it, keep doing it, make it your obsession and let every single cell on your body know that you’re committed to achieving it.
  • Plan your study cycle. This is one of the most common pieces of advice you would have come across but it works 100%. Device a schedule and study your portions accordingly. The syllabus for TANCET is vast and you need to cover a wide range of topics to crack the exam. So work out a preparation strategy that best suits you. Be it 3 months or 6 months or even a year. Make sure that you complete the portions without procrastinating. Plan out daily, a weekly or monthly set of topics to cover and complete the syllabus well before the exam time.

“There’s no easy way around it, no matter how talented you are … your talent is going to fail you if you’re not skilled. If you don’t study, if you don’t work really hard and dedicate yourself to being better every single day, you’ll never be able to communicate with people your artistry the way that you want!”

Will Smith.


Learn useful tricks and formulas.

  • Shortcuts for solving mathematical problems will always come in handy as your entire test duration is just 2 hours. You need to solve problems within minutes so a grasp of calculating ability will always give you an upper hand. Watching youtube videos is also a good way to learn about the tricks and shortcuts.

Here is a video you can watch and learn about a simple trick that’ll come handy for your tancet 2022 preparation.


  • Practice enough mock tests. It will help you to do a SWOT analysis and make you understand where you stand in the preparation. Keep writing sample tests and set time limits. Go through the solutions after completing each test. This will work wonders for you to crack any entrance exam. Solve tancet previous year question paper. It’ll give you an overview on what to expect for your exam.


“The early bird gets the first worm, but the wisest bird gets the fastest one.”
Matshona Dhliwayo


  • Pick the right mentor for you. Let me give you 2 examples. Take the example of JK Simmons’ role in the movie Whiplash (2014). He is an abusive music teacher. He rarely encourages his students but screams at them, yells curses, bullies them, sometimes even slaps them, and worst case scenario, hurl chairs at them. He is the classic example of an egotistical control-freak who shrouds under the mask of ‘extracting the best out of the student.’ It is an anxiety-inducing movie that you shouldn’t miss. Streaming on Amazon Prime.The other example I want to present if of our very own Samuthrakani in the movie Saatai. He was a beloved, empathetic teacher. He understood he needs of the students and helped them in a kind way. He introduced    novel ways of teaching in his methods and found great success. He always is a support system to the students and gives much-needed philosophical insights to boost the confident level of the students


  • The reason I provided you with these 2 scenarios is because, be it studying online, or enrolling in an institute; make sure that you receive A-grade coaching. A good guidance system will automatically motivate to you believe in yourself.

Before telling you the 7th secret, I want to add that we, at Trichyplus provide you with ingenious coaching for your success at TANCET exams. Yes. With masterly faculties, well-researched study materials, and frequent mock tests, Trichyplus helps you reach your goal of clearing the TANCET exam with great scores.

Here’s a look at the staff who will be guiding you towards greatness during this course duration:

Mr. Sivakumar, CEO, Trichyplus

A business tycoon and the CEO of Trichyplus, Mr. Sivakumar, is a very dedicated teacher and is an ace when it comes to teaching Quantitative Aptitude. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to Mathematics, and is an expert at teaching tricks and tips to solve math problems lightening quickly. Along with taking classes for competitive exams like TANCET, he is an excellent guide on giving inputs on academics and business studies. He also handles General Knowledge, and regularly posts videos on the topic of current affairs on the Trichyplus Youtube Channel.

He is the Charter President of Trichy Toastmasters Club and is considered to be the best among the English-speaking public in Tamil Nadu. He has trained lakhs of students in the last 22 years and has conducted over 1000 Career Guidance Workshops.

Ms.Owenita Dcruz, Distinguished Toastmaster, British Council Certified Trainer

With an abundance of teaching experience, our General English staff Ms.Owenita is a British Council Certified Trainer. She is a certified Grammarian and an Educational Session Chair in the distinguished Trichy Toastmasters Club. She prevails as the Head of the Training Department in TRICHY PLUS and tutors students for IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT & SAT Examinations. She handles the English Classes for CAT/MAT/XAT and TANCET examinations. With all these great accomplishments, Ms. Owenita remains a very down-to-earth person and is constantly seen with a smile on her face. Her calm and kind way of teaching to the students, makes the students feel more at ease and helps them express themselves much easier. She is known to be very patient and engaging in explaining the syllabus and is always welcome to clear the queries of students. Her love for the language and teaching has shaped her into the most kind and understanding teacher one can meet. When she conducts a class, she always makes sure that everyone can understand the syllabus, and doesn’t hesitate to explain again if needed.

With such world-class teachers, you are in safe hands at Trichyplus.

We, the people of Trichyplus, truly believe in “transforming minds” for the better, and the story of our student Vishnu, is everything inspiring and motivating.

He scored the First rank state-wise in the TANCET exam of the year 2014, and we are so proud and pleased to mention that we played a role in helping such students achieve their dream by mentoring them and guiding them in whatsoever way possible.

When asked about his  experience in Trichyplus, Vishnu quotes that “how the teacher handles and explains the syllabus was very easy to follow and the notes, worksheets, and study books that they shared to the students were very helpful while preparing for the exams. They made sure to help the students out in all the ways possible, and I’m thankful to Trichyplus for helping me achieve my dreams”.

Our other student, Preethi is also a State Second candidate in Tancet exams.

Every year, Trichyplus produces such a rich breed of successful students and our streak continues with the same form.

So what’s stopping you from enrolling at Trichyplus?

We have covered the A-Z information that’s needed for a candidate to know about the TANCET exams. We also shared with you how at Trichyplus we provide students with the best training to crack the exams. We also provided you with some secrets to crack the TANCET exam 2022. I hope it was useful to you and helped you find some clarity.

So now, the final secret:


Take care of your mental health.

As much as your preparation for the exam is important to your life, so is a clear-headed and peaceful mindset. Don’t lose your sanity in the name of cramming your syllabus. It is not the end of the world. Don’t be anxious overthinking about the failures or unexpected results. Be relaxed and always have a plan B if things go south. Unnecessary worrying will do no good. Always remember these 2 quotes by the 2 great Stoic Philosophers,

“He suffers more than necessary, who suffers before it is necessary”

– Seneca

“Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens”

– Epictetus

If you have come this far, you’re really motivated to crack TANCET 2022 at one go. So, do leave your comments in the ‘review box’ below. If your friend’s preparing for the exam, share the blog and help him out.  For further queries,

Contact Number : 9364369058


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